Hey ladies,
My Tumblr blog has been mimicing posting here on Blogger, as well as a way to refresh some older captions. Towards that end, I have "rebooted" one set of three caps that appeared on this blog in 2011... and that was an extension of a cap from earlier that year... and that was the 2nd chapter of a one-off done in 2010. I guess I like to recycle :)
A little trivia - the original "Robyn" was a real BB coach from Michigan State, and the twins were a pair of scholastic girl hoopsters. Somehow I thought that the coach looked an awful like Larry David's TV wife and yes... I now realize that the Disney blondes I chose for her daughters are sisters, but not twins. Oh well.
Please check out the start of my restarted story arc, with some hot new photos and a follow up on these trio's path to "victory." The next part will be posted by next Sunday. I would love to see some more "likes" and "reposts" on Tumblr, to make up for a lack of comments here on Blogger. I miss Kyra :| and how about some of you making up for it huh? :p Sorry - I'm a needy bitch I guess. I still love you all for your support. My # of members and views have never been higher! :)